JPC, I'm in awe. That is a fabulous observation.
I am happy that you are pleased with my posting.
In fact it pleases me immensely when you are happy.
Don't you think that "Homosexual lifestyle (being) strongly linked to depression, suicide" could be because of idiots like bcp? Or do you think being gay causes depression?
I do see idiots like bcp as causing the depression and suicides but the world is crammed full of such opposition to the homosexuality.
I do agree with that
LINK which says that the homosexual lifestyle does lead to depression and to substance abuse and to suicides.
I'd like to actually SEE the 'data' used in this 'study'. I know what I say is anecdotal, but I don't know any gay people that died in their 40s-50s :shrug: either they're still alive in their 60s or they're younger than 40.
It was done in secret because in secret is where it forms and grows, by bringing out the homosexual is what causes them to self destruct.
The idea of "Gay Marriage" is very much misunderstood, in that if one wants to really hurt the homosexuals then just let them come out.
Lady Gaga does not speak for nor represent anyone, except for her own pocketbook and her own profiteering.
Applicants do not have to answer.
That might be true for that College, but it could change over time.
And I do not know if it is the same in the military.
If a soldier or sailor is asked by a superior officer about their sexual orientation then a lie could lead to a Court Marshal or else to an unwanted exposure.
A lot of suicides come from a person being exposed as a homosexual.