How incredibly rude


Methodically disorganized
Gary Rold, the dean of students at Elmhurst, stressed the question falls in line with the campus’ mission statement to increase diversity.
Gee, if I ran a college there are a bunch of things I would be eager to increase - such as the graduation rate, students' individual success, students' preparation to be good stewards of the world, etc. Increasing "diversity" would not be on that list.

Open the doors and allow kids to apply. Maybe 100% of the student body will end up being gay... or maybe 0%. What freaking difference should it make?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I can certainly see the number of persons claiming to be gay going up if it increases the chance of admission. Race and gender are fairly easy to verify, but who's going to try to "prove" if someone is gay?


New Member
Wirelessly posted

You can't force diversity nor acceptance. I don't know why the color of my skin, whether or not I have a penis NOR whether or not I am attracted to either sex matters :shrug: I just don't get it. As long as an institution isn't actively discriminating, I don't see why anyone should care.


In My Opinion
I would Take Elmhurst off of lists of colleges I or my children could attend. No need for people to think they are gay just because the went to a gay arts college.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Link to original article.

"Fifteen years ago this month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The bill, which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman under federal law, passed by a vote o

But over the past decade and a half, our society has undergone a seismic shift in how it recognizes and accepts the relationships of gay and lesbian couples. This report provides a snapshot of this dramatic transformation and illustrates the crystallizing consensus in favor of legal relationship recognition for gay and lesbian couples, extending all the way to marriage in many parts of the country.

In 1996, DOMA was thought to have ended the debate on marriage. But it seems to have been only the beginning of a more profound shift in favor of gay and lesbian couples."


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J.P. Cusick

Not to mention discriminatory.

College to Ask About Sexual Orientation | NBC Chicago

Yeah, because college campuses all across America are so closed to gays. :rolleyes:


The point of - "Don't ask and Don't tell" in that this was a way of protecting the persons based on their sexual orientation, but now they can ask and if one does not tell then it can be considered as a lie or even as perjury.

The outspoken celebrities like Lady Gaga and others who demanded the end for "Don't ask / Don't tell" did not know what they were actually doing to real live people in the ranks who do not want to be asked and do not want to tell.

Link = Study: Homosexual lifestyle strongly linked to depression, suicide (



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The outspoken celebrities like Lady Gaga and others who demanded the end for "Don't ask / Don't tell" did not know what they were actually doing to real live people in the ranks who do not want to be asked and do not want to tell.

JPC, I'm in awe. That is a fabulous observation. :clap:


New Member
Wirelessly posted

VoteJP said:
Not to mention discriminatory.

College to Ask About Sexual Orientation | NBC Chicago

Yeah, because college campuses all across America are so closed to gays. :rolleyes:


The point of - "Don't ask and Don't tell" in that this was a way of protecting the persons based on their sexual orientation, but now they can ask and if one does not tell then it can be considered as a lie or even as perjury.

The outspoken celebrities like Lady Gaga and others who demanded the end for "Don't ask / Don't tell" did not know what they were actually doing to real live people in the ranks who do not want to be asked and do not want to tell.

Link = Study: Homosexual lifestyle strongly linked to depression, suicide (


Don't you think that "Homosexual lifestyle (being) strongly linked to depression, suicide" could be because of idiots like bcp? Or do you think being gay causes depression?

I'd like to actually SEE the 'data' used in this 'study'. I know what I say is anecdotal, but I don't know any gay people that died in their 40s-50s :shrug: either they're still alive in their 60s or they're younger than 40.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But over the past decade and a half, our society has undergone a seismic shift in how it recognizes and accepts the relationships of gay and lesbian couples.

Yup. Most young people today don't think anything of gays, just like my generation doesn't think anything of sitting at the lunch counter with a black person.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Don't you think that "Homosexual lifestyle (being) strongly linked to depression, suicide" could be because of idiots like bcp? Or do you think being gay causes depression?

Any time you're outside the "norm" it's going to cause you some discomfort and even pain. Even if you're just an ethereal artistic type among a bunch of athletic types. So, no, I do not think gay depression is because of the handful of people in this country who are uncomfortable with homosexuality. I think it's simply that they are "different" and a "minority", and that causes some of them emotional discomfort.

A gay guy pal of mine not only accepts his homosexuality, but he revels in it. Is completely immersed in the "gay lifestyle" and laughs at people who are shocked by him or his friends. He is emotionally healthier than most people I know.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

vraiblonde said:
Don't you think that "Homosexual lifestyle (being) strongly linked to depression, suicide" could be because of idiots like bcp? Or do you think being gay causes depression?

Any time you're outside the "norm" it's going to cause you some discomfort and even pain. Even if you're just an ethereal artistic type among a bunch of athletic types. So, no, I do not think gay depression is because of the handful of people in this country who are uncomfortable with homosexuality. I think it's simply that they are "different" and a "minority", and that causes some of them emotional discomfort.

A gay guy pal of mine not only accepts his homosexuality, but he revels in it. Is completely immersed in the "gay lifestyle" and laughs at people who are shocked by him or his friends. He is emotionally healthier than most people I know.

Agreed. I was just wondering whether JP thought being gay caused depression or (like you said) being different/not fitting in causes depression. Though I would still contend that because there does exists major prejudice among some people, that would tend to cause a bit of depression for the victim.


Methodically disorganized
... now they can ask and if one does not tell then it can be considered as a lie or even as perjury.
Applicants do not have to answer.
Prospective freshmen and transfer students applying for the 2012 fall semester will become the first group of applicants to check "yes," "no" or "prefer not to answer."


J.P. Cusick

JPC, I'm in awe. That is a fabulous observation. :clap:

I am happy that you are pleased with my posting.

In fact it pleases me immensely when you are happy.

Don't you think that "Homosexual lifestyle (being) strongly linked to depression, suicide" could be because of idiots like bcp? Or do you think being gay causes depression?

I do see idiots like bcp as causing the depression and suicides but the world is crammed full of such opposition to the homosexuality.

I do agree with that LINK which says that the homosexual lifestyle does lead to depression and to substance abuse and to suicides.

I'd like to actually SEE the 'data' used in this 'study'. I know what I say is anecdotal, but I don't know any gay people that died in their 40s-50s :shrug: either they're still alive in their 60s or they're younger than 40.

It was done in secret because in secret is where it forms and grows, by bringing out the homosexual is what causes them to self destruct.

The idea of "Gay Marriage" is very much misunderstood, in that if one wants to really hurt the homosexuals then just let them come out.

Lady Gaga does not speak for nor represent anyone, except for her own pocketbook and her own profiteering.

Applicants do not have to answer.

That might be true for that College, but it could change over time.

And I do not know if it is the same in the military.

If a soldier or sailor is asked by a superior officer about their sexual orientation then a lie could lead to a Court Marshal or else to an unwanted exposure.

A lot of suicides come from a person being exposed as a homosexual.



In My Opinion
If by idiot you mean, "One having a set of morals" then I have to agree with you completely.
and since it seems that all it takes to be an idiot around here is to have a few opinions.
1 homosexuality is wrong and deserves no recognition, it deserves only help
2 America is for Americans that wish to work to make it better, not destroy it with socialist programs.

then, I suppose by the standards of this site, I will hold that title of idiot with pride as I walk out of my house each morning, say good by to my WIFE and daughter (naturally born) and go to a job that pays me enough to have to contribute tax dollars that are redistributed to the lazy unwashed of our country.

Considering who appears to find me an idiot for my beliefs, thank you so much for the compliment, because coming from the people that say it, it most certainly is refreshing to not be included in their filthy lifestyle.

God bless and I will pray that you all see the way to salvation one day.

Sweet 16

Gee, if I ran a college there are a bunch of things I would be eager to increase - such as the graduation rate, students' individual success, students' preparation to be good stewards of the world, etc. Increasing "diversity" would not be on that list.

Open the doors and allow kids to apply. Maybe 100% of the student body will end up being gay... or maybe 0%. What freaking difference should it make?

Exactly!! They want to be "inclusive", but by asking, they are grouping and treating those people differently based on a certain "characteristic", which itself is the very essence of discrimination. And this school and everyone else who buys into the "diversity" crap are too stupid to recognize that!


In My Opinion
A "yes" answer could put students in line to qualify for a scholarship worth one-third of tuition at the private, liberal arts school affiliated with the United Church of Christ, said Rold.

This has to be made up.
all they want is marriage, they dont want any special rights...

Whats next, expecting special preference for jobs? (count on it)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If by idiot you mean, "One having a set of morals" then I have to agree with you completely.
and since it seems that all it takes to be an idiot around here is to have a few opinions.
1 homosexuality is wrong and deserves no recognition, it deserves only help

Yeah, here's the problem with that, though:

Socialism is one thing - that directly affects you and is not so much a moral decision as an economic one that impacts your life.

Homosexuality, on the other hand, has nothing to do with you whatsoever. It's not your business. You can have an opinion on it and that's perfectly fine and reasonable, but sometimes you cross over into condemnation. And that's not fine because you're trying to do what the Democrats and other Socialists do, which is inflict your own morality onto the personal lives and decisions of others.

You saying homosexuality is wrong and only deserves help is like the PETA wackos saying that eating meat is wrong and doesn't deserve recognition, but only help. Anti-smoking people. Environutties. It's all the same thing.


In My Opinion
Yeah, here's the problem with that, though:

Socialism is one thing - that directly affects you and is not so much a moral decision as an economic one that impacts your life.

Homosexuality, on the other hand, has nothing to do with you whatsoever. It's not your business. You can have an opinion on it and that's perfectly fine and reasonable, but sometimes you cross over into condemnation. And that's not fine because you're trying to do what the Democrats and other Socialists do, which is inflict your own morality onto the personal lives and decisions of others.

You saying homosexuality is wrong and only deserves help is like the PETA wackos saying that eating meat is wrong and doesn't deserve recognition, but only help. Anti-smoking people. Environutties. It's all the same thing.

then guns dont affect people that dont own them, swearing, or nude in public etc.. nothing affects you unless you are forced to partake in the activity? this what you are telling me?
The fact that they are pushing for one more thing each time they get something?
Sorry, they have to be held back before they reach their final goal.

but in reality? My opinon does not affect them at all. Not one little bit.